Pat & Mat were born in 1976, almost 20 years ago, created by Lubomir Benes and Vladimir Jiranek. Their first film they appeared was called "The Tinkers (Kutaci)". But it took three years until they had their comeback in "The Tapestry (Tapety)". Slovak TV produced 28 episodes from 1979 until 1985. After four years, in 1989 and 1990, Krátky Film produced six all new episodes. There are some legal battles going on about the 14 episodes, that the no longer existing company aiF produced from 1992 to 1994. Episode 50, produced in 1997 also by aiF, was never officially released. 28 new episodes produced the new copyright holder Ateliéry Bonton Zlín from 2002 and 2004, in 2008 and 2015 of the Conturyside has 13 Episodes in Patmat Film, A new episodes to Pat & Mat Entertain Us, Winter Fun and DIY Troubles of 2018 to 2020 Let's hope Patmat film considers to produce new episodes very soon so we can meet Pat & Mat once again.
Pat & Mat are an international success. People all over the world laugh about Pat & Mat. But they have different names in every country. So here is a list of how the series was called in different countries:
- Buurman & Buurman (De Twee Stuntels) (...A je to!)
- Pat & Mat (We did it), (... and it's done!), (... and that's it!) & (...that does it!)
- パットとマット (Lacation)
- 패트와 매트
- Sąsiedzi (Pat i Mat)
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